
Showing posts from May, 2012

Talking to God

'God botherer', I came across this phrase in of my recent fiction reads and had a lot thought come from it. How many of us actually do this, when we talk to God ?  I think I do. But God does want us to turn to him does he not for anything and everything ? Then I am reminded that I need to thank him constantly too and praise him, both of which I do little of. Being comfortable with God, reflects the strength of my faith. So there is a happy message in thereafter all.

Mother's Day

This weekend..Mother's Day, an occasion to mark with special thoughts and memories. Technically it's everyday, we don't take a break do we?. My mother is one of a kind. I am who I am because of her (dad too of course, but mothers have a different influence on one as a woman). But this day is special because I am a mother too. Being a mother isn't easy while on the outside it may appear so. While the physical exertions are one aspect, the other is an emotional affliction, the usual that is displayed and still there is much that is seldom expressed but swallowed and assimilated. The kind that makes our hair turn grey, the feelings that raise our heartbeat, the thoughts that raise fear. Not everyone understands in the same way, not everyone has the same experiences but everyone understands a mother's love. Happy Mother's Day   

A sight to see .... here?

No this is not a pix takenin Indonesia or Thailand but Singapore roads... on Orchard in fact