Slavery of Women

'Half the Sky' by Nicholas D Kristof & Sheryl Wudunn

Slavery of women exists today. It's not fiction.

Gender discrimination in the East 'is lethal'... millions of females are missing from the globe because of it :-
- priority for health care by parents is given to boys, ultrasounds spell doom for females... .... girls have higher fatality rates.
- human trafficking of young girls into prostitution runs into millions
- India : bride burning .. tales place once every two hours
- Pakistan :  over the past 9 years, 5,000 women and girls set alight, doused in kerosene..
- rapes and ruthless murders in Africa

I just started reading and it is maddening to realize this is about modern day depraved cruelties against a huge number of women and girls that is allowed to go on, very much in our backyard.. ... because they are 'discounted humans' defined by a society or culture, because politics is 'divisive' on the subject, because of corruption , because of poverty.......

We all give/help regular charities but it does make me think about redirecting my small efforts and attention to these causes.


This is a situation made worse by western governments turning a blind eye in the name of multiculturalism. I am all for integration. I am an immigrant, but human rights come first and foremost. I cannot love you if you don't love my fellow human beings, man or woman, gay or straight, black or white. It's as simple as that.

That was a very good post. Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

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