My Spider plant

I'm trying to assign a little time to greening the home besides dwelling on my scrapbooking

This plant is really pretty when it flourishes, but I'm not quite sure how to take care of the plant once the leaves grow long.
Spider Plant flower
 And I discovered it flowers. a pretty little white flower.

It's been awhile and some of the  leaves are withering, I can't prune ot trim it, can I ..(time to google) so how do I help it ?

I brought it into the balcony where it's a little more shady and cool. I hope that helps revive it since it has been quite hot these past week inspite of the sudden torrential rains.


Rosanne said…
Hi Helen, thanks so much for the comment on my blog.It's so nice when a spider plant flowers! My Mom has quite a green thumb and may be able to offer some advise, her blog is


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